How to get into Cambridge

 The second oldest university in the UK, one of the most famous universities in the world - Cambridge consistently occupies the first lines of all authoritative world rankings.

It was here that the greatest discoveries in the history of science were made, such as the theory of natural selection and the structure of DNA. Studying here is an ambitious dream for people of all ages around the world.

 Requirements for undergraduate applicants

The guys from Russia, with the proper level of diligence, successfully pass the entrance selection to the University of Cambridge. Admission immediately after graduating from a Russian school, however, is not possible. The point is the difference between the British and Russian school systems. To enter the top British universities, it is recommended to complete the A-Levels program or take 1-2 courses at a Russian university in the chosen specialty. Also, candidates must have experience of participating in scientific conferences, academic and sports achievements. And of course, to enter the University of Cambridge, you need to speak English at a fairly high level.

 Cost of education 

It is cheapest for Cambridge undergraduate students to study the humanities: a year of study in 2021-2022 costs 22,227 GBP

The cost of studying in a master's program also varies depending on the program and ranges from 25,758 to 80,000 GBP per year (about 8,140,000 rubles).

Available grants  

Is there a way to get into Cambridge for free? There is no free education in Cambridge, but there are grants that partially cover the cost of education. There are 4 scholarship programs for undergraduate students. Graduate students may qualify for University Foundation Scholarships, Home College Scholarship, Research Council funding, and grants from third parties.

Preparation for admission

When it comes to an institution the size of Cambridge, getting in is not an easy task. The best solution would be to prepare for admission to a British school on the A-Levels program. An A-Levels student undergoes in-depth training in several subjects corresponding to the chosen specialty. But even before high school, a future student at the University of Cambridge from the age of 12-13 should work on his academic performance, take an active part in school life, play sports or social activities and study English diligently.

Step-by-step plan for admission to Cambridge
Consider the basic steps on how to enter Cambridge from Russia.

Program and College Choice
At the University of Cambridge, studies are organized in 6 "schools": humanities, social sciences, biological sciences, natural sciences, clinical medicine, engineering and technology. Schools have several faculties in their fields of study, and it is important to choose the one in which there is really an interest, since the workload in Cambridge is very, very intense.

Choice of preparatory program
You need to decide in advance how you will prepare for admission. In addition to studying in the UK on the A-Levels program, you can take the school's international IB (International Baccalaureate) program or the British Cambridge Pre-U Diploma. All of them last 2 years and are aimed at in-depth study of subjects and preparation for the university.

English exam
The level of English should be sufficient to fully perceive the intensive academic course. Upon admission, you must provide an IELTS exam certificate (from 7.5 points), TOEFL (from 110 points), Cambridge English C1: Advanced (from 193 points) or Cambridge English C2: Proficiency (from 200 points).

Preparation of documents, writing a motivation letter
We advise you to start preparing documents in advance, about a year and a half before admission. Among the required documents:

 - Certificate of completion of school (certificate of complete secondary education of the Russian School in Cambridge is not quoted);
 - Grade transcript;
 - IELTS language exam certificate;
 - Certified translation of all documents into English
The admission committee pays special attention to the motivation letter, so it is worth approaching its writing with special responsibility, demonstrating in it a sincere desire to study at Cambridge, and telling succinctly about your strengths and plans for the future after graduation.

Applying for and registering for entrance examinations
International students must submit an online application for UCAS and register for entrance examinations one year before the start of their studies no later than October 15, but in some cases other dates apply. For example, for early submission, you need to send an application before September 20. By the way, you cannot apply to both Cambridge and Oxford in the same year.

Cambridge online
You can study at the University of Cambridge without even being there physically. At the moment, this is more relevant than ever. Among the courses that can be taken online are: business, creative writing, history, international relations, and others.

Admission to the University of Cambridge with Travel Smart Club
We have tried to give you a general idea of ​​how to get into Cambridge. However, it should be understood that each case is individual. As soon as you start thinking about applying to a university of this stature, it is wise to seek professional advice from an expert in the field of study abroad.

A professional with many years of experience in enrolling Russian children in Cambridge will work with you at the Travel Smart Club: from the stage of choosing a study program and collecting documents to supervising the learning process itself. By entrusting this responsible task to professionals, you relieve yourself of a significant part of the worries: we will help you collect a complete package of documents, make sure that they all comply with the standards declared by the university, and that everything is sent on time. We also have over 10 years of experience in issuing student visas.

More information can be found on the official website of the university.


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